Lifelong Engagement
Our paradigm of growing older celebrates a vibrant, purposeful, and engaging life where new opportunities abound. With ChaiVillageLA we offer a panoply of weekly programs where you can create friendships, experience new adventures, explore spirituality, learn and give back to the community.
Learn more about our programs, and see how you or a loved one can benefit from getting involved in our welcoming community.
Click on the icons to read more.
ChaiVillageLA is a community led by older adults who share their skills, support, and expertise with each other to navigate the challenges and opportunities of aging. It is a collaborative program between Temple Emanuel and Temple Isaiah.
At ChaiVillageLA we believe a better experience of aging is possible when we can grow with and rely on each other. As a community, our members come together to create new possibilities for what’s next as we age. Through our social events, interest groups, rides, and shared meals, we have created a purposeful and powerful space for learning, laughter, and courage as we take on the future.
When our members connect with ChaiVillageLA, they feel energized because they are part of a powerful, expansive community.
Contact Jeanette Macht at [email protected] for further details and visit ChaiVillageLA’s website to learn more about ways you and your loved ones can become involved in this 200+ person community!
Death Over Dinner is a program that untangles the complexities tied up with death and dying – over dinner – a safe place for difficult conversations. We discuss the concept of death from a Jewish perspective and provide a supportive space for those who wish to talk about how we approach death and our kavanot (intentions) for our final days.
For more information about the program or to get involved, please contact Rabbi Emerita Laura Geller at [email protected].
Wise Aging is a national curriculum used to prepare congregants to age spiritually and physically with joy, resilience, and equanimity. Through mindfulness, practices, text study, and discussions, we navigate our life journeys together with wisdom.
For more information, contact Rabbi Emerita Laura Geller at [email protected].
Check out these links for informative resources that may benefit you or a loved one:
Community Services
Organizations offering community service opportunities are listed below. For further information, please contact them directly, or go to their web sites.
Housing options
New types of alternative communities are already thriving around the country. At Temple Emanuel, we are exploring some alternative living arrangements like the Village to Village concept and Co-housing. Here are some resources that will help you understand the changing landscape:
As we grow older, we all navigate life transitions. These changes can be difficult, especially if we face them alone. We are more likely to stay in charge of our lives as we age when we are part of a supportive community. One way to do this is through Temple Emanuel’s ChaiVillageLA program. Here are some additional resources to help you and your loved ones create the next stage in their lives.
- ChaiVillageLA
- Age in Place
- Medline Plus
- Home Improvement Assistance
- National Aging and Disability Transportation Center
- Seniors Veterans Service Alliance
- Legal Planning for Dementia and Alzheimer’s
- Aging in Place with Dignity Book
- RE-Creating Neighborhoods for Successful Aging
- Older Americans, Vital Communities Book
Lifestyle & Planning
Now is when we can reimagine work and its place in our lives. See Career Reinvention when thinking about restructuring your work life to give it greater meaning and closer alignment with your other priorities.
- Encore Careers
- Next Avenue Career Growth
- Retirement Business Ideas
- What’s Next? Finding your Passiong and Your Dream Job in your Forties, Fifties and Beyond Book
- Encore: Finding Work that Matters in the Second Half of Life Book
- Ways Older Works Can Win at Job Interviews Article
- Saving the World as a Second Career Article
Health & Longevity
The Boomer generation has been at the forefront of the healthy living movement, from the recognition of the importance of exercise and good nutrition to the exploration of the benefits of meditation and yoga. We now find ourselves with the possibility of living longer and faced with the challenge of keeping ourselves physically and mentally healthy.
Preparing for the Inevitable
Here are a number of resources that will help you prepare for the inevitable moments in life.