
Jewish Minds

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning at Temple Emanuel offers opportunities to our community to engage in a journey of continued learning and growth.

Our clergy, guest speakers, and classes are dedicated to helping you strengthen and explore your relationship to Judaism.

My Second Favorite Country: How American Jewish Children Think About Israel 
Let’s face it, speaking to today’s children about Israel in an authentic and responsible way is no easy task. Join Rabbi Alban for a three part series on this topic using the book, My Second Favorite Country: How American Jewish Children Think About Israel by Dr. Sivan Zakai. During the first session we will focus on Chapters 1-2 of the book. During the second session we will focus on Chapters 3-4. During the third session, Dr. Zakai will join us for a discussion and question and answer session. The first two sessions are on Zoom. The third session is in person in Belle Chapel. Temple Emanuel has copies of this book for purchase, at a discounted rate, if you plan on attending this series. 
About the author we’ll be learning from: Dr. Sivan Zakai is the Sara S. Lee Associate Professor of Jewish Education at HUC-JIR/Los Angeles and a thought leader in Jewish and Israel education. 


Judaism classesIntroduction to Judaism is an 18-week exploration for individuals and couples interested in deepening their understanding of what Jewish. Spiritual. Expression means to them.

The class is designed for those interested in conversion and/or simply want to learn more about Jewish holidays, life cycle ceremonies, values, history, liturgy, and texts.

All are welcome. Class begins October 30 and is held every Wednesday, both in-person and via Zoom.


Contact [email protected] for more information. This class is offered in conjunction with the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ). Additionally, Introduction to Judaism is supported by the National Center to Encourage Judaism (NCEJ).


The next session of this two-year Adult B’nai Mitzvah program, perfect for people interested in learning Hebrew and connecting more deeply to prayer and the Torah, will begin in October 2024.

Stay tuned for details on other class offerings for 2023.

For more information, contact Cantor Lizzie Weiss at 310.409.4642 or [email protected].

To pay for a class, please click here


Every year, we create and host classes and workshops that encompass our yearly Jewish-rooted theme. We are strong proponents of diversity in thought, and our themes embody the very essence of our community. From our Temple Emanuel Presents series to our clergy-led classes, these opportunities provide space for speculation, reflection, and awareness. Learn, engage, and share your thoughts. Break out of your comfort zone with these intellectually stimulating classes!

For more information on how to get started, email [email protected].


With gratitude to the Behrendt Family Foundation.

Yoga &

YogA/Stretch & Strength

The practice of yoga was primarily created to create a more breathable and flexible body so that we can sit longer and with more ease in meditation. With that in mind, this pre-shabbat practice will be for just that! Come and breathe your body into ease so that you can contemplate and celebrate the day of rest. There will be no jumping around  or fancy poses during this 40 minute experience, chairs and props will be offered to help us enjoy and practice in community. No prior experience required. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact [email protected] or visit RSVP for time and location.


Gentle Practice: Tuesday 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m..
Friday 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.


Click BELOW to register.





During the month of Elul, Jewish tradition provides several preparatory words, symbols, and actions leading up to the High Holy Days (the month of Tishrei). This month is considered a time when God is more accessible to the Jewish people, and a time for personal reflection and preparation for the new year.

Our Elul classes are preparation sessions intended to deepen our experience, and provide new ways of approaching the upcoming High Holy Days. We begin to wake up and do the work of Heshbon HaNefesh, accounting of the soul, leading us to be prepared for our repentance during the Days of Awe (the ten days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur). Join the clergy as each tackles a significant topic we can reflect upon during this important time of year.

Revitalize your body and soul for an enlightening year of celebration, love and milestones. For information about upcoming classes, please contact [email protected].


A connection to Judaism is intertwined with a connection to modern day Hebrew. At Temple Emanuel, we offer a number of Hebrew language classes for you to enjoy. Take a look at the classes we offer!


hebrew class, learn hebrew, Jewish educationJoin Cantor Weiss for this year-long journey sharpening your Hebrew reading and writing skills. The class is designed for adults who are interested in becoming a B’nai Mitzvah. Please email Cantor Weiss for more information.




Take a look at the classes we offer!

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills Women in Torah


How do the stories of women in Torah reflect the complexity of our own lives? How can creative means help us explore our ancient texts?

Our class, led by Rabbi Liora Alban, brings women in Torah to life through the study of text, the arts, and personal reflection. Join us via Zoom every Tuesday at 9 a.m.

Temple Emanuel Beverly Hills Rashi Discussion

Through the Eyes of Rashi

Engage in an ongoing discussion of the Torah text as seen through the eyes of scholars across generations, from Talmudic to modern times. Guided by respected teacher Dr. Chaim Plotzker, learn how the ancient texts and interpretations are relevant to our modern lives. All questions are welcome, and no previous experience is required. The fall session runs from September to December. Contact [email protected] to register.

Clergy-Led Classes

Jewish.Spiritual.Expression just got a whole lot more fulfilling! Our classes bring Jewish wisdom throughout the year in the temple or right into your living room.

Interested in having one of our clergy teach a class in your home?

Be in touch with the clergy of your choice to learn more about how to make it happen. Contact Rabbi Jonathan Aaron or Cantor Lizzie Weiss for more information about our next Parlor Class!