Get Involved
From the moment you enter our doors, you enter community. Come play, create, participate, and actively engage with friends, family, and our diverse congregation.
Have a program or idea that you’d like to bring to life? Let us know! For more information about Temple Emanuel programs, contact [email protected].
Sisterhood of Emanuel
The Sisterhood of Emanuel is an intergenerational women’s group. Rooted in the principles of Reform Judaism, our mission is to build a strong, compassionate, and socially conscious community focused on making a positive imprint on one another and the world through friendship and action. Celebrate the women in our community with events such as Sisters in the Sukkah, Sisterhood Challah Bakes, Sisterhood Shabbat, Sundays with Sisterhood and more. To get involved, please email [email protected].
For more information about Sisterhood, click on the button below.
Men’s Club
We are a warm, welcoming group of men who meet for exercise, friendly competition, a good laugh, and camaraderie. We create and promote social activities where we can interact, network and grow as Jews. For more information about our Men’s Club please email [email protected].
Monthly Meet Up
Men’s Club is pleased to announce a monthly discussion group. Read your weekly ChaiLights to learn more!
Poker Tournament
What better way to enjoy each other’s company and raise money for the synagogue than to play in our Texas Hold-em tournament? Our community-wide poker tournament provides an opportunity for you to get your game face on and show us what you’ve got in this evening of drawings, prizes, food, and drinks! Invite your friends and family to this poker face-off of a lifetime.
Temple Emanuel Men’s Softball Teams
Synagogue Softball – a seven-inning Temple Emanuel tradition! Spend weekend mornings playing in the city-wide modified fast-pitch Softball League. All games are played on Sundays at 9:00 am, 11:00 am or 1:00 pm beginning in January and ending in mid-June. Our games are competitive (but not cut-throat) and family members often join players at the games, so the general atmosphere is fun and friendly. The minimum age is 20; no maximum age limit exists. Our own Rabbi Aaron is a member of the team.
Temple Emanuel’s Men’s Club has a number of different softball teams for you to join. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Social Justice Work
Currently, our temple is supporting the work of congregants on several different projects with a focus on working with organizations that are directly impacting the growing refugee crisis. Whether you are interested in volunteering, fundraising, or education, there is a place for you. For more information on our community engagement click here.