Here at Temple Emanuel we believe that learning is a lifelong endeavor that continues well past b’nai mitzvah! We have plenty of learning opportunities for teenagers!
In J² teens examine the ins and outs of being community leaders with a Jewish lens. This year, our teens are focusing on Civil Rights and the role of peaceful protest throughout Jewish history and tradition. Teens traveled to the American South this past November where they walked in the footsteps of civil rights activists, visited pivotal historical landmarks, and explored the movement’s lasting impact.
Classes meet monthly.
Madrichim Leadership Institute
Religious School would not be the same without our amazing madrichim, or teen helpers in our classrooms. This program is a great way to gain experience, stay connected with our temple community, and nourish the next generation. Plus, madrichim get to participate in monthly training sessions focusing on leadership, teamwork, and more. Madrichim receive community service hours for their participation or are eligible to receive stipends after their first year of service.
Curious to learn more about our program? Contact Rabbi Liora Alban for curricula and questions about our teen classes. For questions about registration, contact Karen Porper.