Give Through a

Donor Advised Fund

Giving through a private foundation is easy & powerful

A Donor Advised Fund is an account that may be established directly with a sponsoring non-profit organization, community foundation, or financial institution. As a donor advised fund is itself designated as a 501(c)(3) public charity, contributions into the fund are tax deductible. You can recommend how much (and how often) you want to distribute money from that fund to Temple Emanuel or other charities.

Temple Emanuel is grateful for all donations from donor advised funds and will work with you to make the giving process simple and efficient. Also, as with a retirement plan or life insurance policy, you may make a legacy gift to Temple Emanuel by listing Temple Emanuel as a charitable beneficiary of your existing donor advised fund.

Next Steps

Contact your financial/ legal advisor, or specific donor advised fund representative for detailed information on donor advised funds.

Contact Sara Hiner to learn how an existing donor advised fund may be leveraged for current and future/ legacy giving opportunities:

To learn more about how you can support Temple Emanuel’s funds and/or programs, or for additional information, email Sara Hiner at [email protected] or call him at 310-409-2951.