PASSOVER @ Emanuel
We are excited to celebrate Passover with you this year. Below please find our events schedule and additional important information about upcoming programming. You can also click here to view our Passover toolkit.
Passover Events:
April 21 Songs of Freedom Concert 4 p.m.
Corwin Family Sanctuary, Facebook and YouTube
April 23 Passover Festival Service Day 1 10 a.m.
Corwin Family Sanctuary, Facebook and YouTube
April 24 Passover Potluck & Learn 7 p.m.
In Belle Chapel with Rabbi Alban and Cantor Lizzie Weiss
April 25 ChaiVillageLA Passover Seder 6 p.m.
Temple Isaiah
Open to ChaiVillageLA members only, due to limited capacity. You can click here to become a member. Questions? Email: [email protected]
April 27 Passover Shabbat Morning @ Emanuel and Yizkor 10 a.m.
Belle Chapel, Facebook and YouTube
Camp Newman’s Seder Hacks: Tips from your Parenting Toolbox
Please join us for a Religious School parent morning aimed at teaching parents about Jewish summer camp and Passover.
April 21, 11 a.m. in the Temple Emanuel Foyer