Your Passover Toolkit
From Temple Emanuel
use our passover Seder resources to create your own Seder, or use one of our Seders with the videos below
Welcome to Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills’ Passover resources page. Passover is a time when family and friends all come together to celebrate our freedom from slavery over three thousand years ago, and help us all come out of the narrow places that hinder our growth and fulfillment as human beings.
As you celebrate with loved ones, please use the resources below to find links to some of the most popular Passover songs, themed videos, and a variety of Haggadot.
To help you, here you will find links to some of the most popular Passover songs, themed videos, and a variety of Haggadot.
Please use this website to bolster the seder you have already prepared, find new and innovative ways to approach the seder rituals, or even to use the resources here as the seder itself. We’ve been saying “Next year in our homes” in addition to the traditional “Next year in Jerusalem,” and we hope that you will have a meaningful evening that celebrates your Judaism and the connection to our heritage.
If you are looking for a seder to attend or have room at your table for another guest, please contact [email protected] and we will help you experience Passover 2024.
Temple Emanuel’s Virtual Seders
Seder YouTube Playlists
Enjoy these other video resources to enhance your entertainment experience!
Download these Haggadah PDF’s
What are the 4 Passover questions?
So, you have to chant the four Passover questions? Or, your youngest child is responsible for singing “Ma Nishtana” and you want to make sure they are prepared? Check out our Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills Four Passover Questions Video featuring our very own students. Use it to learn how to chant the four Passover questions, or you can actually show this video at your seder! !