
Abby Wolf’s Bat Mitzvah, June 9, 2018

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

I am a 7th grader at El Rodeo school. I enjoy dancing, listening to music, photography and playing with my dog Matilda. I am so grateful for my older brother Sam and my parents, Emily and Jeff Wolf. I am so lucky to have such supportive friends and family.For my Mitzvah Project, I am working with Rabbi Bassin and Save the Syrian Children to collect supplies for Syrian refugee children.

We are collecting clothing and teaching younger kids about the struggles of refugee children.I would like to thank Rabbi Bassin for helping me understand my Torah portion and for being such an inspirational role model. I would also like to thank Rabbi Aaron, Cantor Weiss and Shelly Kamara for spending their time to help me prepare for my Bat Mitzvah.

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

– Walt Disney