My name is Aliza Gibson and I will become a Bat Mitzvah this November. My parents’ names are Karen and Terel, and my older sister’s name is Maya. I have a 3 year old dog named Lucile- she is a goldendoodle. I am in 8th grade at GALA (Girls Academic Leadership Academy). My favorite subjects are math and history. I love to go shopping with friends, skateboarding, and watching movies! I play piano and volleyball. I started Taekwondo when I was 6 years old and I am now a second degree black belt!
My mitzvah project was to help dogs in shelters with NKLA (No Kill LA). During religious school, we made healthful dog treats and toys and we delivered them to the shelter. This mitzvah project is very important to me because many animals are homeless and I feel making a donation of these goods made them happier in the shelter.
Thank you to Rabbi Bassin, Cantor Weiss, Shelly Kamara, and Karen Porper for all the help and support!
Don’t be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful, Be empowered. -Michelle Obama