
Charlie Clayton – November 14, 2020

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

My name is Charlie Clayton and I am in 8th grade at The Archer School for Girls. I like to swim, play soccer, read, hang out with friends, and listen to music. My parents are Amy & Wade Clayton, and I have an older sister named Sydney, who is almost 15 years old.

For my mitzvah project, I will be advocating for refugees through Jewish World Watch.
I know that Covid-19 has really complicated things, but I am so glad that I can still continue and raise awareness. I knew before I started this project with my partner, Ella, that the statistics were not good at all, but it really put things into perspective for me when we did research. By the end of 2019, 79.5 million individuals were forcibly displaced worldwide, sourcing The UN Refugee Agency.
By creating the website with my partner, and signing up for the JWW Walk to End Genocide, we had hoped to bring awareness of this topic to our friends, family, and spread the message to as many people as possible. Unfortunately, Covid stopped our plans of participating in the walk, but my partner and I still wish to put our effort into spreading JWW’s amazing message.

I would like to thank Rabbi Aaron, Cantor Weiss and Allison Bluestein for helping me prepare for my Bat Mitzvah.


Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. -JK Rowling