For my mitzvah project I am raising awareness in all of my various communities towards mass plastic waste. Plastic is a giant problem that literally will never go away. I am also raising money to protect the forests and combat climate change. Lowering our carbon footprint can make a difference in this world. Stand For Trees is a global organization that protects forests and wildlife. I strongly believe that we all need to take care of our earth and think about how our actions will impact future generations! By Standing For Trees we will protect our earth and all living beings on it by conserving the trees that provide us the oxygen we need to breathe.
I would like to thank Rabbi Aaron, Cantor Weiss and my parents for helping me to prepare for my Bat Mitzvah, and to my brother, Izzy, for supporting me. (edited)
Don’t you want to leave this planet earth a whole lot better than how you found it? -Prince Ea