
Ella Azari’s Bat Mitzvah – June 1, 2019

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

ella azari bat mitzvah

I am a 7th grader at Paul Revere Middle School. I have a strong passion for
basketball, karate, and music. My parents are Bahar and Jon Azari, and I have a 15 year-old brother named Ethan. I love spending time with my friends and family.

For my mitzvah project, I volunteered at Saban Community Clinic to make kits for
the homeless. Saban is a wonderful clinic that assembles homeless connect kits.
People can go to the clinic and either raise money and donate, buy the items, or
help make the kits. I think helping the homeless is a wonderful thing to do and can

positively change lives.

I would like to thank Rabbi Bassin, Cantor Weiss, Shelly Kamara, and Laurie
Goodman for helping me prepare for my Bat Mitzvah. I am so fortunate to be
experiencing this wonderful chapter of my life and could not have done it without

the support of all my friends and family.

Never take no as an answer -Ella Azari