
In All Your Ways Connect

Rabbi Jonathan Aaron

Shana Tova from your Temple Emanuel family. This year we are concentrating on Jewish Spiritual Expression. We are told in Proverbs 3:6, “In all of your ways, connect!” We hope to make deep connections through the prayers, melodies, sermons and community discussions this High Holy Days.  We are excited for it all to begin.

Attached to this email you will find 5780’s theme song. This year is a little different. There are no words to this song, only melody, a “niggun.” One of the ways Jews have connected spiritually over centuries has been through wordless melodies like this one, sung over and over, until our thoughts wane, our minds begin to clear, and our soul is nourished. We will be singing this niggun on Sunday evening (September 29) as our services begin, and in various places throughout our time together. Please download the song, and listen to it in preparation for the Holy Days, so we can, as a community, express ourselves through song (we will also be creating a community video for this song at tashlich on the beach, on Rosh Hashanah afternoon at 5:00, so please join us there as well).

We look forward to spending time together during this High Holy Day season to explore our Jewish spiritual expression, and discover how we can connect in every moment of our lives. 

To listen to this year’s niggun (melody), click on the button below. So save the song, right click on this LINK and “Save As”