
Ruby Adler’s Bat Mitzvah – June 16, 2018

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

I am in 7th grade at Paul Revere Charter School. I love all types of dance from jazz to ballet, and I enjoy traveling, making and editing videos,  and I having fun with my friends. My parents are John and Jamie Adler and I have 2 brothers, Jake and Philip, who both had their Bar Mitzvahs here at Temple Emanuel.

For my mitzvah project I am volunteering at The Vanderpump Dog Foundation. It is an incredible rescue organization that places homeless dogs into loving homes, and raises awareness for the overpopulation and cruelty to dogs all over the world. I love dogs and our family actually has 2 rescue dogs that I can’t imagine where they would be if we did not adopt them.   I would like to thank Rabbi Bassin, Cantor Weiss, and Kalanit Kamara for helping me prepare for my Bat Mitzvah.

Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!
                                                                           – Anne Frank