
Zachary Shuter Bar Mitzvah – October 2, 2021

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

My name is Zach Shuter.  I am an 8th grader at the Buckley School. I have been at Temple Emanuel since preschool.  

My parents are Holly and Richard Shuter.  I have a 15 year old brother, Tyler, and two dogs, named Teddy and Poppy.  I enjoy reading, cooking, watching movies and TV and hanging out with my dogs.

For my Bar Mitzvah Project, I worked with Access Books to help provide books to under served public schools in LA county.  I went to one of their events where I helped sort, organize, and stamp books to create classroom libraries.  I also held a book drive and collected over twenty boxes of books for another school.  I felt really good knowing that the kids at the schools would have books to enjoy reading in their classes and new library.  I would like to thank Rabbi Bassin, Rabbi Lutz, Cantor Weiss and Kalanit Kamara for helping me prepare for my Bar Mitzvah.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.- Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter