
Who To Call At Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills

who do i contact temple emanuelAt Temple Emanuel we want to make sure your questions get answered. If you need help or specific information from our staff, we welcome you to call or email. All our contact information can also be found on our contact page.


Membership Commitment Payments and Billing
Venues and Facilities
  • Reserve or inquire about renting one of our venues (such as our Social Hall or Sanctuary) for a private event – Brad Yater
  • Request a room for a meeting or a community event – fill out the Event Request Form, or contact Jenny Kramer
  • Check the temple master calendar for scheduling conflicts – Jenny Kramer.
LIfe cycle events
Classes, Events, and Appointments
  • Report a change of address, phone, email, etc. – Tannaz Lavian Gatto 
  • Want to receive our weekly e-newsletter – Jenny Kramer or sign up here
  • Have a community event or want us to share information –  [email protected] (please note we typically do not advertise outside events unless co-sponsored or partnered, but it doesn’t hurt to ask how we might help.)
  • Found a broken link or a webpage that is not working properly – Zev Fogelman.